Saturday, August 29, 2009

Victoris's Secret Giveaway Contest! Hurry Up! Grab Your Great Prize Now!

Dear All Victoria's Secret Lovers,
is organizing
" I LOVE SECRET GARDEN CONTEST " Giveaway for you!

All you have to do is tell them:
1. what is your Secret Garden favorite scent
2. why do you love it . You also have to tell us
3. why do you deserved to win the GREAT PRIZE
(3 of your favorite Secret Garden items!!)

Tell them your stories in not more than 250 words.

How To Join this Contest?

1. Email them your name, address, phone number, your purchase item, and your Secret Garden story to
2. Email must be send with a Subject : I Love Secret Garden Contest
3. Contest start from 27th August - 9th September 2009
4. Prizes will be mail out on 15th September 2009 to a winner
5. Stories must not exceed 250 words
6. Only 1 entry allowed for each person

PRIZES to be won will be from Victoria's Secret !!! 3 items from your favorite Secret Garden Scent :)
so HURRY UP ~! tell them your stories
your obsession of Victoria's Secret!


layan jerr..


Real Woman said...

contest ni utk malaysia jugak ke?? best la hadiah dia..

Jard The Great said...

ehehe.... tak pernah guna perfume.. tak leh nk join..

Jard The Great said...

ehehe.... tak pernah guna perfume.. tak leh nk join..

echah_syed said...

Real Woman >> a'ah try ler mana tau kot ade rezeki :)

echah_syed said...

jard >> tak guna parfum..?? biar betul beb ^_^

Anonymous said...

alah..kalo rq yg masuk mesti menang...

malas jer sbb nk kna wat karangan 250 words...wallaweih..


bolos aja diinding itu:P

echah_syed said...

RQ >> bolos ajer contest ituu :p